Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Alex Peters signs for Team Sky along with Tao Geoghagan Hart as Stagiaires

Alex Peters and Tao Geoghagan Hart have professional contracts for the world beating, World Tour Team Sky. Alex has signed a two year contract from 2016. His first race in Sky kit will be the Ride London-Surrey Classic taking place this Sunday 2nd August.
This is CC Hackney calling on all of Hackney's cycling fans to come down town to support and cheer Alex on during his big day on home ground - at the next level. Tao's races will be up in due course, get ready!   
Ever since the 110km training rides and the educational trips we used to do (when Alex and Tao were growing at CCH) it's been steady but dedicated little steps all the way, for both of them.

Well done lads - keep it coming:)


  1. Great news! But maybe some of that 110 km training now would be a good idea. Why change something that works?

  2. Fair comment y- our young riders are old enough for this now - let's go!

  3. inspiring stuff. good fortune to them both and word to kier mentoring these two in the realities of suffering on a bike.


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