TO ALL CCH MEMBERS The log awaited CCH online Forum is now up and running to access it click here -
To post to the Forum and join in the conversations you will need to sign up by clicking on the link at the top right corner of the forum homepage and follow the simple instructions. You can also visit the forum and read posts as a guest before signing up. The Forum is intended to provide an online social space for club members to interact with and share information. It will provide and additional port of call alongside the blog, website, facebook and twitter feed for information about club events such as training, racing and coaching sessions, and in addition it will be a place where members can organise their own events such as training rides, cycling tours, training camps and so on. It will provide a place for people to ask questions, discuss cycling related topics, buy and sell cycling stuff, arrange trips and other off bike social events. Hopefully the Forum will become the online hub of CCH allow ing the club to grow organically in terms of members organising things between themselves.
Have a look at the Forum and sign up and please feel free to make suggestions on what it should contain and how to improve it - at the moment this is just the starting point.
Please note it is important to consider the Forum is open to the public to view so that prospective members can see what is going on and ask questions about the club if they have to. This does mean that the Forum will be moderated and inappropriate postings removed - so please no bad language and remember the forum is not the place to make complaints or gripe about the club and its members.
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