Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Summer programme of Activities - CCH “encouraging and developing riders from the whole community in the area”

Two sessions per day on Saturdays and Wednesdays have been running from CCH's Concorde Bike Club on Kingsmead Estate. These have been supported by Young Hackney to great effect and appreciation by our participants. 
The pilot bike maintenance and cycle appreciation club at Victorian Grove Estate N16 - these have been running four morning sessions on Thursdays. Supported by Hackney Housing and the Council's Resident Participation Team, many locals came together with CC Hackney to get their cycles repaired and tuned up. A friendly area with interesting people from all backgrounds - good place! 
While we were out cycling with the group parents Marhawit & Milete borrowed cycles to practice with at their own speed.  
Marhawit learns fast - 30 minutes in and she was coasting and gliding!

At Walthamstow Wetlands with the Odaise family inc mum Shirley!


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