Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Spring kit order

The spring kit order has arrived. What happens next? Kit team; Mick Smith & Keir Apperley will check all is present and correct and put the name on the bag of those who've paid in advance. Then providing volunteer staff are available next Saturday morning (18th May), the new kit will be at the CCH *HQ 6 Olympus Sq Nightingale Estate London E5 8PL for collection. Please check the blog & face book for confirmation. It may be that there is not enough time for volunteers to sort and allocate this order ahead of Saturday coming; if this is the case apologies in advance. In short kit will be ready for collection either this Saturday 18th or the next 25th May and on going when best possible.

Please bring your CCH membership card with you to speed up collection.

*6 Olympus Sq Nightingale Estate London E5 8PL

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I've prepaid but can't make Saturday, is there another day I can collect?


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