Thursday, 23 July 2009

Grass Track Cycle Racing Summer League 2009

On Sunday 2nd August 4-7pm CCH will launch a grass track cycle racing league sponsored by London Cycling Campaign. It is to run on four consecutive weeks up to 23rd August (same place, same time) on Hackney Downs.
Entry is free and there will be championship prizes and awards at the end of the series for riders that gather the most points in competition.
Male, female and disability competitors are welcome.
Age categories are: 8-11, 12-15 & 16+. Taster races for under 8s can happen but they need to be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Under 17s need a signed note/consent form from their parent/guardian.
If you are under 16 and wish to participate please email asking for a club membership/consent form:
Consent forms will be available on the day for young people but they must be signed by a parent or guardian before joining any races.

1 comment:

  1. And it was just great! Thank you for organizing it, guys!


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