Subject: One Hackney Festival - K Float - Cyclist and Sporty People
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2012 01:32:57 +0100
Dear Keir
Following our conversation today, I am writing to confirm the opportunity of being involved in the Parade of the
One Hackney
Festival on Saturday 21st July.
The relay will coincide with the One Hackney Festival 2012, a borough wide celebratory event to welcome the Olympic Torch. The festival will include a street parade along the Torch route and will culminate with an event at Clissold Park in Stoke Newington. The whole day is about Hackney coming together to showcase and celebrate its unique diversity and talent in the lead up to the 2012 Olympic Games.
There are still opportunities for people to get involved and be part of the procession which will be under various sound scapes and letter floats. The key opportunities for involvement are:
Letter K Float – The K Float has an elevated bike seat, from which can be controlled two pedal systems... one with the feet and one with the hands.
The foot pedals operate the spinning wheels on the upper arm of the K, the hand pedals operate the sweeping 'rudder' (lower arm of the K).
It requires only one person on the float to operate the twin pedal systems. Because a rotation of people is preferable, it is suggested that between 2-6 participants share this position.
It is preferable (but not imperative) that these people are similar in height (in order to quicken the changeover time during the parade).
There is room on the float for banners and some flexibility in the dressing of the float to integrate additional considerations should they be desirable. There is some limited resources available for costuming and props (about enough for costume helmets, hi-vis vests, and water supplies).
Electronic soundscape: whereby you can cycle along route or do something sporty...
Please can you consider if you have people who would enjoy cycling, and be part of the festival parade.
If you know people who would like to take part please let me know as soon as possible, as the event is drawing near and we would like all participants to have the full experience.
Please visit for more information.
Look forward to hearing from you shortly and feel free to call me for more information, and thank you for your interest and hope you choose to get involved. My contact email is: which you can give out for those who are interested.
I have attached Bryan’s designs and FAQ sheet which may be useful.
Kind regards
Helen Mitchell
T: +44 (0)7833 360953
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If there is any one up getting involved on this exciting exercise please contact Helen directly - ASAP
I will be with our coaching team and Interlinkx mechanics helping to deliver the cycling grass track racing event that will be part of the same festival but down on Mabley Green. This is to be a key part of the Hackney Homes Fun Day there - more information for this busy event will be posted shortly.
Say no to passing you by - enjoy
This float is the 'K' part of One Hackney - putting the 'K' into Hackney with cycles