Friday 30 December 2011

Happy New Year in 2012 with CC Hackney

Happy New Year in 2012 with 
Cycling Club Hackney

Thursday 29 December 2011

CCH 2011 AGM - Monday 30th January 2012 - from 7pm @ CCH HQ

All paid up members are invited to 1 Olympus Square London E5 0QJ for CCH's 
2011 annual general meeting. The AGM - year review and election of officers.

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Peter Catermolle is in support of Cycling Uganda

Today I met Peter Catermolle, British Cycling London Regional Development Manager (and leader at Velo Club Londres) by Herne Hill Velodrome in south London. We had a talk about Cycling Uganda and building on specific support for cycling and cyclists on that side. Peter offered me some great advice about velodromes to carry forward. He also thought it was excellent that CC Hackney were sponsoring a young Ugandan racing cyclist (Ronnie). Peter was of the view that one sunny day it could be that many London cycling clubs will support individual cyclists in Uganda and even in other developing countries. Peter asked me if I could find a rider in Kampala for VCL to work with - well now we're on track, watch the space a follow-up is coming soon. After our talk I was generously handed items to take as prizes to hand out to competitors after the 2nd Mbuya Hill Climb on 8th January 2012.

It was really great of Peter to come out and give up his time to help the project along.

Mr. Catermolle - ya' large :)

Happy new year 2012


Monday 19 December 2011

Magnificent Revolution power surge

Magnificent Revolution are getting behind CC Hackney, Interlinkx CiC and Cycling Uganda.
After visiting lead person Adam Walker at Mag. Rev's base on Hackney City Farm.  It was agreed that there is plenty of potential for interesting and productive partnership work in all three linked projects.
Adam presented me with one 24v motor to take to Cycling Uganda in the capital Kampala. It's ready to use, complete with the aluminum contact point for the rear wheel's tyre to spin that thing. This motor is the type used in electric scooters and can produce 300w of DC power (the scooters are not so challenging in my eyes now:))
Power produced in this way has many applications including, LED lighting, computer/phone charging, sound and vision.
Planning for partnership work and increased learning opportunities into 2012 with Magificent  Revolution; this is something interesting to look forward to, happy new year in advance.

Keir Apperley

Wednesday 14th December 2011
Look Mum No Hands
CCH club fellows; Shaveh and Jace Daley joined in by revving the Magnificent Revolution generators to supply electricity for the Gorilla Film Magazine's short film night at LMNH. The evening was entertaining, thought provoking and pleasurable as well as being a bit of a work out for those who donated their leg power in watts for conversion.

L-R  Adam Keir Shaveh Jac 

Saturday 17 December 2011

Cycling Uganda link to the latest news

CU Road Race 11.12.11
Stephen Okellow
Ronnie Mibiru Jarsen

Cycling Uganda (CU) has staged it's first public Road Race - it was organised by Stephen 'on the case' Okello and our supported rider Ronnie Mibiru Jarsen. The event went ahead very well and many turned up to sign on for the ride or to watch. Also en route was a huge cavalcade of motor cycle riders to add to the festival flavor. Ronnie can be seen in action in CCH colors and at the start line where he received the Tiffosi road bike that was sent out to CU by CCH.

I'm heading back to Uganda to be there early in the new year, following up on last year's visit, catching up with our partners and to meet some new heads who share our interests.

If any club mates and/or associates would like to donate anything considered useful to CU and our cycling friends in Uganda please bring along items to the club's xmas eve early social after the youth training session - 12 noon Saturday 24th December - CCH HQ 1 Olmpus Sq London E5 0QJ.

You name it; kitchen drawer stuff, selected bits and pieces.


Keir Apperley

Friday 16 December 2011

Hackney's World Record setting Cyclist

Tommy Hall world record holder. Note the name Gordon Bennett up on the hoardings.

Hackney can lay claim to a World record beating cyclist in  Tommy Hall - although born in Croydon, Tommy must have came up an earlier version of the Overground as he ended up in Hackney, finally parking his bike in Abney Park where I spotted his gravestone the other day. Hall was a professional cyclist between 1900 and 1914 and he broke the world motor-paced hour record  on the 14th  September 1903, distancing 54.34 miles (87.391 kilometres).
Tommy Hall - stayer

The following year he came 2nd in the European stayer (motor-paced) championship in 1904.
Hall died aged 72 in 1949, his grave lies in Abney Park Cemetery in Stoke Newington, London, a few feet away from the statue of Dr Isaac Watts up from the chapel towards Church Street.
Tommy Hall's gravestone in Abney Park
 The headstone inscription reads:
 William Thomas (Tommy) Hall
Who died April 26th 1949
Aged 72 years
This memorial was erected
by his cycling friends as a tribute to
a record breaking and world famous cyclist
on road and track
A great rider and sportsman

An earlier stayer F. Gerger being led around by a scary looking contraption that I can't even name.

Thursday 8 December 2011

East & South East Champs Report

Frank and Louis set off in the U12s.
The East/South East Regional Championship Cyclocross was held at Stanborough Park, Welwyn Garden City last Sunday 4 December 2011. CCH were represented in almost all races. 

Mostyn hurdles the extra high boards.

A chilly morning saw the Youth race first with Mostyn holding in the U14s his own a demanding and fast course to come home in 32nd place.
Molly in the U12s.

Louis starts another lap.

Logan cheered on by chilly CCH members.
In the Under 12's CCh had Molly, Louis, Frank and Logan. A large field on the shorter course led to good racing with Logan finishing in 8th place, Louis 17th, Molly 21st and Frank 22nd.

Bart in the trees.

Bart set off in the juniors moments before the Vetrans 40-49 started with Harry and Neil. Following a bad start involving me almost riding over Harry's head on the 3rd corner it became a game of catch up. The hurdles proved extra tough as they were on a rise in the course making the boards seem double the height. 
Bart finished in 6th in the Juniors with myself 34th and Harry 35th in the Vets. 

Harry going strong.

Neil wearing an off the knee look.

 Overall  it was good day out with an excellently laid out course suiting the speedier riders. Full results here.
For more photos see Mostyn's excellent slide show on the CCH Facebook page - see the link below left.

CCH sponsor riders

Saturday 3rd December.
A midweek shopping trip to Decathlon was made for selected young CCH riders who were awarded winter kit by the club. The package included appropriately colored bobble hats, training longs, gloves and rain jackets for protection during the coldest months. This act was much appreciated by the group, especially after getting their hands into some decent warm gloves.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

CC Hackney Coaching Club meeting - CCHCC-1

The inaugural CCH Coaching Club meeting took place at 1 Olympus Sq on Monday 5th December. It was well attended with 17 members in the house on a cold night. We had an ice breaking game of CCH Q/A Bingo (won by Alex "I'm not too competitive" Peters) before getting down to why, what and how? It was agreed that those present were inside to pick up knowledge about how to become faster cyclists. By keeping it as simple as possible we set out to encourage and inform our riders by drawing from established methods and accepted practices and opening up the key principals of training and preparing to go faster on a bike.

On the agenda; Target setting, the year view, testing and recovery - AOB

Junior cyclist Alex Peters shared the floor and spoke about his take on self coaching. He has achieved a lot in two years and is keen to share knowledge and insight. Alex enlightened us on his approach to training, periods in the year, testing, resting and recovery. All contributing to the 'mind set' of a would be champion, be it a national womens track award, the highest placed master class cyclo-cross rider or a personal best time in a club time trial.

By the end of the talks some good outcomes were made in a short space of time, club mates became more acquainted to the 'mind set' of an athlete, willing and able to self assess and plan his/her year round training programme. During the session we divided into discussion groups and working units to begin identifying SMART sporting targets for 2012. The exact event dates, times and places to be revealed at the next step CCHCC2 which is set for 30th January 2012.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

SIS talk last Thursday

Peter and some CCH members at Core.

Peter Slijkhuis from Science in Sport delivered the second of Cycling Club Hackney's winter talks and coaching workshops last Thursday 1st of December at Core Arts. The evening was well attended and the audience were given a scientific break down on nutrition and hydration in relation to sports and cycling in particular. peter has more than one degree in sports science and competes in Ironman competitions so its fair to say he could back up what he was saying.

The presentation is available to download from the CCH website here - it makes fascinating reading and gives plenty scope for thought. Also included on it are a description of SIS products and their benefits.

Peter has also set up a discount code that all CCH members can use and will give them 25% discount off SRP through the web shop on their website until the end of January. If you fill in the code at check out you will receive the 25% discount automatically.
I will email out the code to all.

Next up we have James Clark leading a discussion on nutrition and how to keep the costs down  - this Thursday 8th Dec' at CCH HQ.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Send off party for the Mitchell family 9th December at Core

Winter Knees up at Core 9th December
Come celebrate the Mitchell's new adventure
 Dear CCH friends

It is with sadness and excitement that I'm writing to tell you that Family Mitchell are readying themselves for a new adventure in north Bavaria (Franken to be precise) and would like to invite you all to the send-off party. They'll be live music, DJ's and a bar, so what else could you possibly wish for!

Put it in the diary:

7 - 11.30 Friday 9th December
Core Arts
1 St Barnabas Terrace
London E9 6DJ

We do plan to stay in touch via all the latest technology (best speak to Edgar about details!) and are planning to set up a creative holiday centre, so in time we'll be ready to invite CCH for an introduction to a Frankish cycling experience. 

Hope you can join us

Best wishes

Peter, Silka, Leonard, Edgar - update ****

Silka gave birth to a beautiful little boy on Tuesday and mum and baby are doing well. His name is Eric Bryn Mitchell and he looks forward to being part of the Mitchell pursuit team!
Leonard Mitchell winning a grass track race this summer
 Pete, Silka and their boys have been stalwart members of CCH and helped to give it the friendly family atmosphere it is known for. The boys have had a fantastic season of racing this year - check out their palmares here- for  Edgar and here for Leonard. The east end will miss the Mitchell brothers but we're sure they'll continue to fly the flag for CCH out in Germany. See you at the party.
Edgar Mitchell on his way to a win at Hoghill

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Box Hill Ride and Penshurst Cross reports

The top of the Penshurst course with the valley behind.

Sunday morning came cold, grey and windy and after the pre kit order session a group of twelve riders both CCH regulars and newcomers set off from club HQ and headed West to check out a few Surrey hills including the much talked about Box Hill due to feature (several times) in the 2012 Olympic Road Race. After an early cold shower and the loss of Tony due to a mechanical issue (and some rather spurious mechanical assistance by yours truly - sorry Tony) eleven riders continued on. The wind slowly dropped and the sun came out to play making for some great riding. After the stop start of the city the group settled into a comfortable pace as they headed out through Richmond Park and Kingston-Upon-Thames, past Sandown race course, over Esher Common and onto the back lanes of Surrey past Cobham. 

At around mile 40 the group hit Staple Hill the first of three challenging climbs. At 610 ft and just under two miles this was enough to break the group up and at the top Daniels emergency stop due to a jammed cleat gave John (who was right behind him) the opportunity for a lay down on the verge! Once John had stopped messing around snoozing in the ditch and we had regrouped we pushed on deeper into the lovely woods and hills and after a long fast downhill and a tight hairpin found ourselves on Dunley Hill, the second of the days challenges and  a short sharp shock of a hill rising up to 650 ft. After a quick breather and regroup we headed on over Ranmore Common and bombed down Ranmore Hill into Westhumble Village before the last of the days challenges the zig zag of Box Hill climbing up to 680 ft with spectacular views over the valleys below. 

At the top we found the National trust Cafe in a state of upheaval as work has already commenced in preparation for next years event so after a brief stop and refuel on cake, pastys and chili sausage roll that both John and I were to rue ever eating (but that's another story all together!) we set off for home. After the second puncture of the day was swiftly fixed by a trusty Anglo-Italian-Japanese trio  the pace was raised and after the Surrey Hills the way home almost felt downhill all the way back into London. We were soon once again back in Richmond Park and then heading home to Hackney. Total distance 85 miles, elevation gain 3500 ft, average speed 15mph, not bad for a Sunday club ride though we suspect that come 2012 the pro's may go a little further and a little faster. Well done and thanks to everyone for a great day, Isobel, Shaalan, Alex, John, Tony, Rachael, Daichi, Terry, Daniel, Gareth, Stefano, and Derek (who after navigating all the way there and back got lost in Hackney!).

P.s. If you fancy checking out a few Surrey Hills Derek will be leading out another Box Hill group ride Sunday 18/12/11 and monthly until Spring 2012. There will also be the opportunity to do a more challenging six hills at some point over Christmas. More information to come here and via the CCH Facebook page soon.-- Derek Mullan 

Bart slip sliding downhill.
Harry going uphill

Meanwhile the Wednesday night cross training seems to be paying off as CCH riders move up the leader board in the latest round of the London Cross League. The 10th round of the Mosquito London and South East Cyclo Cross League was held at the very picturesque but extremely gnarly Penshurst Off Road Centre on Sunday November 27 promoted by Addiscombe CC. This cross season has been all about the heat - far too much of it for a winter sport... However last sunday we finally saw some mud. The twisting course wound its way down a slippery steep hill into the valley then climbed its way back up the start, clearly this was no race for a lack of concentration - check out the video here at Cross Crazy.

Logan lapping up the mud.

Logan went off first in the U12's and the shorter course was no less demanding than the seniors'.

The start of the tricky descent from below
The same decent from above followed by right angled left turn.
The long drag back up through the trees.

Happy to be finished.
Bart (Junior) Harry and Neil (vets) joined the 104 other starters in the seniors race. Six times we had to climb back up the hill into the sun making us wonder if we'd climbed further than our teammates over at nearby Boxhill. Full report and results here - Bart's is wrong he finished just in front of me. It's the Eastern and South Eastern Regional Championships next weekend at Welwyn - the bikes should just about be clean by then - bring it on...

Saturday 26 November 2011

Rob Sharman visit 2

Last Thursday evening British Cycling's eastern region coach Rob Sharman delivered a fine talk entitled 'Pathways into Racing' that was well attended by CC Hackney members and also guests from East London Velo. Thanks and praise are due to the organisers and especially Rob as he had traveled all the way down from Derby to be with us.
The session was targeted at youth riders but was useful for all. We were informed about the many racing opportunities and locations in the and around the region as well as a simple and effective five day weekly training programme for young riders, beginners and anyone else pushed for time.

In short there is plenty of racing near by and it's all about preparation and speed :)

To follow this, the first of our 'CCH Coaching Club' open workshops (CCHCC) is set for Monday 5th December from 6.30pm at 1 Olympus Sq E5 0QJ. This session is open to all members who want to improve their training to become racing cyclists or raise their standard if they are racing already. Target setting, knowledge sharing and coaching the British Cycling Level 3 way will be the main areas of work.

No fee, just rock-up.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Rehydration and Recovery Talk

Cycling Club Hackney presents a talk by Peter Slijkhuis from Science in Sports
on Rehydration and Recovery in Sports - all CCH riders and friends are welcome to come along and find out more about this important aspect for all kinds of cycling. There will be a question and answer session and Peter will be bringing along samples of SIS products. If you could let me know if you can attend so I can let him know numbers it'd be appreciated.
Date - Thursday 1st of December from 7-9pm 
Venue - Core Arts 109 Homerton High Street, London E9 6DL.
This is the second in a series of winter talks and workshops CCH are organising - stayed tuned for further events to come.

Saturday 19 November 2011

Kit ordering T-minus...

CCH members pre-kit order; item request session @ 1 Olympus Sq E5 0QJ from 7.30am - 8.15am Sunday 27th November (before the delayed early riser ride to Box Hill). This is to help us to put a sensible order together, additional stock numbers will be added as educated guesses.

New young riders Shaveh & Jac Daley alongside CCH old hand Joel Alarcon

CC Hackney welcome the Daley brothers Shaveh & Jac (pronounced Jace) pictured here taking a break in High Beach Epping Forest. This was shortly before heading home to round off another decent Saturday club youth training ride. Out of this picture are their supporting cyclists Jason Evans & yours truly.

Shaquile has Bikeability

Saturday 19th November 2011
Shaquile proudly holds up his newly acquired L2 Bikeability certificate of achievement. He earned this by attending the 'Young Hackney' sponsored training sessions that were delivered at The Bridge Academy earlier in November.   

Thursday 17 November 2011

Hackney Sports Awards 2011

Six members of CCH take to the stage for their awards from the Youth Sports Fund
As some of you will no doubt be aware through your Hackney Today newspaper it was the 2011 Hackney Sports Awards on the 4th of November at the Empire. CCH were well represented although we never came away with the main prize this year. Tao and Alex were second and third respectively in the Under 21 Sports Person of the year category. Bella and Alexander were both short listed for the under 13 Sport Person of the year, as the Dmochowski siblings were nominated for their fencing prowess it's maybe just as well one or the other never won the prize - swords might have been drawn. Bella did however receive a Silver award from the Youth sports Fund, whilst Tao and Alex both received Gold awards and Logan a bronze. Harry and myself had to take to the stage as well as we received funding for further coaching courses - it pays to get in there early Andy...

Tuesday 15 November 2011

SOLD OUT - Senior_ National_Track_Championships_2011

Tickets on sale from 9am this morning go to: 
Never mind the disappointment if you're ticket-less, it's much more real to do it than watch it; sports in general. Go for a ride, a run or a kick around, you'll feel better after.

Thursday 10 November 2011


Cyclists are sometimes described as 'flying' when in great form...


Clem Berrill & Rhys Howells ride for Team Orbea in 2012

CCH wish Clem & Rhys all the best in 2012 season when they'll be riding for semi pro outfit Team Orbea. Good luck lads riding in/as a team will be a great learning opportunity, well done and congratulations.

"Both Clem Berrill and Rhys Howells join the team from the successful Hackney CC, a club that has a depth of young talent and has quickly become a hotbed for developing and encouraging young riders from this part of the region."

At this point racing additions in CCH colours for 2012 will be the riders; Thomas Smith, James Clark and Jason Evans. Also there will be the emergence of aspiring club racers Zoe Desclayes, Joel Alencon, Shaveh Sad, Liam Pegram, Bart Walbank and Sophie Powel.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Lordship Loop mountain bike and BMX pump track launch Dec 3rd

The Trax mountain bike and BMX club are delighted to invite the local community of Tottenham and London, the wider bike community and all our members, friends and family to the official launch of The Lordship Loop bike park on Saturday Dec 3rd.
Lordship Loop is the exciting new 391 metre long pump track' style trail loop suitable for both mountain bikes and BMX in Lordship Recreation Grounds in Tottenham, London.

Event: Lordship Loop Mountain bike and BMX track launch
Date and time: Saturday 3rd December at 10am
Meeting Location: Broadwater Farm Community centre, Adams Road, Tottenham, London
N17 6HE (next door to the bike track)
The Itinerary is a fun packed day:
  • 10.00am-11.00am The Trax Annual General Meeting and nominations and votes for committee roles. Volunteer opportunities and awards ceremony.
  • 11.00am Official opening of Lordship Loop
    • Rowan Sorrell and his Back on Track team will be there to anoint the virgin track for its first ride to show how the loop can be ridden
  • 12.00pm they will run two sessions to let the youth use it first (only right). First are 8 – 10 year olds and then 11 – 16 year olds.
  • 13.00pm open to all.

Loads on around the event like…

  • London Cycling Campaign (LCC) funded Dr Bike session.
  • Community and bike stalls.
    • Evans Cycles bikes
      • Including a  lucky dip (BMX top prize). All proceeds to club funds
    • Mountain Bike Rider Magazine
    • International Mountain Bike Association
    • Lordship Rec Users Forum
    • Friends of Lordship Rec
  • Games and fun coaching activities going on all day.
  • Face painting (All proceeds to club funds so nobody leaves until their face is painted)

“This much anticipated launch brings both a much needed community run facility for youth in Tottenham. The whole bike world and the local community are coming together to make this a sustainable venture. The launch heralds a new era of mountain biking as it is brought to a new generation of riders in an  urban setting. Hopefully the first of many, we welcome all to come and celebrate this historic day.” Daniel Mintz Chair of The Trax

The Trax are delighted to announce our affiliation with the IMBA (International Mountain Biking Association) and their massively useful award of a tool grant as their kind support to ensure the loops and the clubs sustainability. The tools will be awarded on the day by Mark McClure, chairman of IMBA-UK.  To find out more about the work of IMBA-UK or to join as an affiliate check out

If you are interested in setting up a stall in the hall, or donating prizes for their launch activities or sponsoring our awards etc then please get in touch.
The bike world comes to the local Tottenham community on Dec 3rd. Join in the fun.

Friday 4 November 2011

Be Safe Be Seen Event

Be safe be seen and get your bikes tagged.
12th November - free bike tagging at London Fields Lido. At the same time Hackney Cultural services will be running a competition for two age groups 11-13 and 14-19 years old around graffiti art.
They  will have a professional artist at the event who will go through  the techniques of design and demonstrate how ideas are put together.

The winning designs will then be transferred onto porta cabins (at a later date) plus the winners will also receive a prize. Plus runner up prizes. The winners will also be invited to actively take part in the final design and add their signature

The initial event is on the 12th of November from 14:30 - 17:00 at  London Fields Lido.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Beat the rush...

UCI World Cup track racing - just down the road - head start tickets to go on sale: