Wednesday 7 December 2011

CC Hackney Coaching Club meeting - CCHCC-1

The inaugural CCH Coaching Club meeting took place at 1 Olympus Sq on Monday 5th December. It was well attended with 17 members in the house on a cold night. We had an ice breaking game of CCH Q/A Bingo (won by Alex "I'm not too competitive" Peters) before getting down to why, what and how? It was agreed that those present were inside to pick up knowledge about how to become faster cyclists. By keeping it as simple as possible we set out to encourage and inform our riders by drawing from established methods and accepted practices and opening up the key principals of training and preparing to go faster on a bike.

On the agenda; Target setting, the year view, testing and recovery - AOB

Junior cyclist Alex Peters shared the floor and spoke about his take on self coaching. He has achieved a lot in two years and is keen to share knowledge and insight. Alex enlightened us on his approach to training, periods in the year, testing, resting and recovery. All contributing to the 'mind set' of a would be champion, be it a national womens track award, the highest placed master class cyclo-cross rider or a personal best time in a club time trial.

By the end of the talks some good outcomes were made in a short space of time, club mates became more acquainted to the 'mind set' of an athlete, willing and able to self assess and plan his/her year round training programme. During the session we divided into discussion groups and working units to begin identifying SMART sporting targets for 2012. The exact event dates, times and places to be revealed at the next step CCHCC2 which is set for 30th January 2012.

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