Thursday 10 November 2011

Clem Berrill & Rhys Howells ride for Team Orbea in 2012

CCH wish Clem & Rhys all the best in 2012 season when they'll be riding for semi pro outfit Team Orbea. Good luck lads riding in/as a team will be a great learning opportunity, well done and congratulations.

"Both Clem Berrill and Rhys Howells join the team from the successful Hackney CC, a club that has a depth of young talent and has quickly become a hotbed for developing and encouraging young riders from this part of the region."

At this point racing additions in CCH colours for 2012 will be the riders; Thomas Smith, James Clark and Jason Evans. Also there will be the emergence of aspiring club racers Zoe Desclayes, Joel Alencon, Shaveh Sad, Liam Pegram, Bart Walbank and Sophie Powel.

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