Thursday 8 December 2011

East & South East Champs Report

Frank and Louis set off in the U12s.
The East/South East Regional Championship Cyclocross was held at Stanborough Park, Welwyn Garden City last Sunday 4 December 2011. CCH were represented in almost all races. 

Mostyn hurdles the extra high boards.

A chilly morning saw the Youth race first with Mostyn holding in the U14s his own a demanding and fast course to come home in 32nd place.
Molly in the U12s.

Louis starts another lap.

Logan cheered on by chilly CCH members.
In the Under 12's CCh had Molly, Louis, Frank and Logan. A large field on the shorter course led to good racing with Logan finishing in 8th place, Louis 17th, Molly 21st and Frank 22nd.

Bart in the trees.

Bart set off in the juniors moments before the Vetrans 40-49 started with Harry and Neil. Following a bad start involving me almost riding over Harry's head on the 3rd corner it became a game of catch up. The hurdles proved extra tough as they were on a rise in the course making the boards seem double the height. 
Bart finished in 6th in the Juniors with myself 34th and Harry 35th in the Vets. 

Harry going strong.

Neil wearing an off the knee look.

 Overall  it was good day out with an excellently laid out course suiting the speedier riders. Full results here.
For more photos see Mostyn's excellent slide show on the CCH Facebook page - see the link below left.

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